This is to be used to request for key(s)/fob access to building(s)/room(s) or cabinet(s)/desk(s).
By submitting this form, you are also acknowledging acceptance to adhere to the College Policy regarding key use under the California Penal Code section 469 which states:
Any person who knowingly makes, duplicates, or has in their possession any key to a building or other area owned, operated, or controlled by the State of California, any state agency, board, or commission a county, city, or any public school or community college district without authorization for the person in charge of such building or area or his designated representative and with knowledge of the lack of such authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Please note that upon submission of a key request, your immediate management's approval will be sought.)
Additional screenshots of this step-by-step process can be found at the following link: