12/12/2023 GatekeeperCybersecurity.com

From: pfunandre@net1a.com <pfunandre@net1a.com>
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 2:49 PM
Subject: No entry: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/av2UCOYGRgs2zWg5iEdS3g?domain=gatehttps.com




Cybersecurity CAUTION: This email came from outside SJECCD. Do not open attachments, click on links or provide any information if you don’t fully recognize the sender or the content.





ShareFile™ generates https.

Https means no entry without proper credentials.


Pfunandre Redvict JesusChose.com no one serves Alone

U.S. Naval Academy member cl’78


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