8/6/2023 FW: Atish Patel (Online Student Orientation) just sent you a message in Canvas.

From: Atish Patel <notifications@instructure.com>

Date: 8/6/23 9:28 PM (GMT-08:00)

Subject: Atish Patel (Online Student Orientation) just sent you a message in Canvas.


Hi how are you doing. I lost my entire discord server last night at midnight because there were garbage trolls that entered and ruined the entire platform. I wanted to have friends to talk about school stuff and have a fun and engaging conversation filled with entertainment and laughter. The people reported me to school and discord shut down my entire server. I wanted to find out if you wanted to work with me for school and help each other and also talk about stuff filled with entertainment and laughter. Let me know and please don’t promote this discord server on other discords only to any friends you have the garbage trolls are ruining it for me every single time. If you want to help me build my community here is the link below. If not you won’t receive any messages after this today. Take care and be safe. Hope you’re doing well.





Atish Patel


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