This service allows staff, faculty, and students to submit a ticket when having trouble with sign-in or account has not been created yet.
Please enter in a brief description for your request. If necessary, please provide any additional pertinent information associated with your request in text area located towards the bottom of this form.
Select what you need assistance with:
used on the ITSS Help Desk 'Public (to receive ticket transfers from Public App)' form
Select what you need assistance with:
Are you a Employee or Student?
Are you a Employee or Student?

Verify Student Info: Personal Email Address, Student Username, Student ID and phone number.

MyApps Portal: Reset passwords, update emails, and change phone numbers.

This is the Employee ID/Number from WebUI (Colleague).
Please use the following format: (408) 274-7900. If you have a phone extension, use this format: (408) 274-7900, 1234.
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code