FAQ: EVC Student Loaner Laptop


How Do I Sign In?
Why Can't I Sign In With My Student Email Address and Password?
Can I Install Software On This Laptop?
How Come I Only See The Download Folder In Windows Explorer?
Where Do I Go For Technical Assistance?
Where and When Do I Return The Laptops?


How Do I Sign In?

Students can sign in with the Guest account or with their email address and password

The Guest account does not have a password and provides a quick and simple way to sign in. However, all files and settings in the account will be deleted upon signing out. Students can still save their works on a separate thumb drive or by using any of the Cloud storage (OneDrive, Dropbox, etc).

Students can also sign in with their student email address and password, similar to how they sign in with Canvas or Self-Service. Signing in with a student account is much more secure and will allow students to save their files and settings on the computer.  


Why Can't I Sign In With My Student Email Address and Password?

  1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet for the first sign-in. Either WiFi or through an Ethernet cable. You do not need an Internet connection after the first initial sign-in. 
  2. Double check the spelling of your email address and password.
    • Email format: StudentUsername@stu.evc.edu (e.g., tivi7676@stu.evc.edu)
  3. If you still cannot sign in after the first two steps, then you most likely don't have an existing Office 365 account. You can request it here:
    •  Sign in to Self-Service
    • On the left menu, expand User Options - > Click on Request O365 Account
    • Give it about an hour for your Office 365 account to be created. After that, you should be able to sign into the computer with your student account. 


Can I Install Software On This Laptop?

No, students do not have administrative rights to install software on the laptop. The laptops already have the most common software pre-installed like the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Reader, and Zoom. We also publish applications that students can self-install should they choose by using the Company Portal app on the computer. For instructions on how to use the Company Portal app, click here

 If you still cannot find the applications you need for school in the Company Portal, you can go ahead a submit a Help Desk ticket. 


How Come I Only See The Download Folder In Windows Explorer?

This is done intentionally to limit where students can save their school work on the loaner laptops. 


Where Do I Go For Technical Assistance?

Students needing technical assistance with their laptops can submit a helpdesk ticket by going here.

  • Click on Submit An IT Request button -> Click on Students under Categories -> Select the proper Service -> Click on the Create Request button

As a reminder, please do not go to the EVC Library for technical assistance. For general questions about your loaner laptops, students can contact the EVC Library at evc.circdesk@evc.edu or call (408) 270-6433.


Where and When Do I Return The Laptops?

Students are expected to return their laptops at the end of any School sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer). Students can check out the laptops again at the beginning of the next School session. Please return the laptops back to the EVC Library.  

Please make sure to backup all important files before returning your laptop as they might be erased at the end of the School sessions. 



Article ID: 145434
Wed 8/3/22 6:28 PM
Mon 8/8/22 1:37 PM