Automatic Forwarding of Emails to an External Recipient Not Allowed


Effective March 1 2023, all methods to set up automatic forwarding to an EXTERNAL recipient will be blocked.


Why is automatic email forwarding blocked?

The San Jose Evergreen Community College District has now prohibited the automatic forwarding of emails from a college-provided mailbox to an external recipient as this may result in the unintentional disclosure of sensitive, protected, and restricted data. Such an action would significantly jeopardize the District's ability to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of its data.

What is changing?

As of March 27, 2023, all means of setting up automatic forwarding to an external recipient will be blocked.

This may include:

  • The use of inbox rules to forward emails

The "Forward" option in an email can still be used to manually forward emails to both internal and external recipients, despite the restriction of automatic forwarding to external recipients.

What will happen if I already have an automatic forward setup?

A notification error message such as this one will be returned to the sender:



Article ID: 148965
Fri 2/3/23 8:10 PM
Mon 3/13/23 6:54 PM